Facebook campaign structure is one of the most basic aspects to know when learning about how to properly run ads.

It’s also a fundamental topic that you have to know for the Facebook Blueprint Exams.

How do you set up a campaign?

What are the different variables at each level?

What are best practices when setting up Facebook ads?

Where do you set up budget?

Where do you select your campaign objective?

How do they differ between auction and reach & frequency?

Those are some of the basic questions that you need to know.

It will allow you to better understand how to troubleshoot ads, make changes to your marketing campaigns and answer questions for your Facebook blueprint exams.

Here is a video that explains why your Facebook Campaign Structure matters when setting up your ads:

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Here is everything you will find in this blog post:

  • What is Facebook Campaign Structure?
  • What is the Campaign Level?
  • What are the things you can adjust at the Campaign Level (auction vs. reach and frequency)
  • What is the Ad Set Level?
  • What are the things you can adjust at the Ad Set Level (auction vs. reach and frequency)
  • What is the Ad Level?
  • What are the things you can adjust at the Ad Level (auction vs. reach and frequency)
  • Next steps: how to apply it to you Facebook exams?

Keep in mind that all examples were made on a Traffic type of campaign. The videos you will see below are for traffic campaign. Settings will change if you select the other type of campaign ads.

What is the Facebook Campaign Structure?

All marketing campaigns on Facebook are composed of three different levels:

  1. Campaign Level
  2. Ad Set Level
  3. Ad Level

Below is a video from Facebook that shows the difference between all three levels for the Facebook campaign structure:


In this post, I will be going through all levels in detail in order for you to better understand how they all work together and what you set up at each level.

It’s really important that you learn these concepts as they are the basis for most exam related questions.

I’ve also made the difference between auction versus reach and frequency buying side by side so that you can differentiate both at the Facebook campaign structure.

What is the Campaign Level?

The campaign level allows you to select your advertising objective as well as your buying options.

Here is where you will select the kind of ad you want to run depending on your marketing or business objective.

Facebook defines a campaign as:

Think of the campaign as the foundation of your ad. When you decide to run an ad, you’ll always start with the campaign. Here, you’ll choose an advertising objective, like Promote Your Page, which defines what you want your ad to achieve.

Depending on what type of ad you select, you will also affect functionality and options at the ad set and ad level.

Here is a video that shows the difference between auction and reach and frequency:

What are the things you can adjust at the Campaign Level?

1, Buying Options

  1. Auction
  2. Reach and frequency

Keep in mind that depending on what you select in the buying option, will have changes in the type of ads you can select, how you budget and schedule your ads and audiences you will be able to utilize.

2, Campaign Objectives


  1. Awareness: Brand Awareness + Reach
  2. Consideration: Traffic + Post Engagement + App Installs + Video Views + Lead Generation
  3. Conversion: Conversion + Product Catalog Sales + Store Visits

Reach and Frequency

  1. Awareness: Brand Awareness + Reach
  2. Consideration: Traffic + Post Engagement + App Installs + Video Views
  3. Conversion: Conversion

As you can see, the number of available ads change depending on what type of buying option you select.

3, Split Test, Name and Campaign Spend Limit

You will be able to check your split test and name your campaigns.


You will be able to create a Split Test, name your campaign and set up a spend limit on the campaign.

Reach and Frequency

You won’t be able to create a Split Test or campaign limit. You will only be able to name your campaign.

What Is The Ad Set Level?

The Ad Set level allows you to define your audience, budget, scheduling of ads, bidding options, placement and offers if you are running one.

Understand that depending on the type of ads you selected at the campaign level will have some changes in the options you have at this level.

Facebook defines an ad set as:

An ad set tells your ad how to run. At the ad set level, you’ll create an audience for your ad using Facebook’s targeting options. You’ll define your audience by choosing things like location, gender, age and more. You’ll also create a budget and set a schedule for your ad and choose your placements.

What are the things you can adjust at the Ad Set Level?

It will depend on whether you are buying with the auction or reach and frequency option at the campaign level.

Here is a video of how the ad set level looks like for auction:

Here is a video of how the ad set level looks like for reach and frequency:

1, Audience


There are basically three different audiences:

  1. Saved audiences
  2. Custom audiences
  3. Lookalike audiences

Learn more How to find your ideal audience size.

Reach and Frequency

  1. Saved audiences

Other audiences will not work with frequency and reach.

2, Page and Instagram Accounts


Does not apply. You will select your fan page and Instagram at ad level.

Reach and Frequency

You have to select you Facebook fan page and Instagram account at this level.

3, Offer


Will only work with the auction buying type. You have to select the Fan Page and Create Offer at this level.

4, Budget


  1. Daily budget
  2. Lifetime budget

Reach and Frequency

  1. Budget will depend on the reach, frequency and % of target audience you want to reach

5, Schedule


  1. You can run campaigns continuously with daily budget
  2. With lifetime budget you can have a start date, end date and ad scheduling for days and times

Reach and Frequency

  1. Start date and time
  2. End date and time
  3. You can set up a range of hours for ads scheduling or all day
  4. Frequency Cap: # of impressions every # of days

6, Bidding


You will be able to optimize the delivery of your campaign based on three types:

  1. oCPM – this will vary depending on the type of ad you selected at the campaign level
  2. CPM – impressions
  3. Daily Unique Reach – impressions

Bid Amount

  1. Automatic
  2. Manual

Delivery Type

  1. Standard
  2. Accelerated

Reach and Frequency

The frequency, reach and budget will determine everything. You will be charged per impressions.

7, Placement


  1. Ad formats: N/A
  2. Device Type: Mobile and Desktop
  3. Platforms: Facebook (feeds, instant articles, in-stream, videos, right column); Instagram (feed, stories), Audience Network and Sponsored Messages.
  4. Mobile Devices: Android and iOS + “Only when connected to Wi-Fi”
  5. Exclude categories for audience network and apps.
  6. Apply block lists for audience network and instant articles

Keep in mind some placements might be blocked depending on the type of ad you selected at the campaign level.

Reach and Frequency

  1. Ad formats: Links, Photo or Carousel + Canvas + Videos
  2. Device Type: Mobile and Desktop
  3. Platforms: Facebook (feeds, instant articles, in-stream, videos, right column); Instagram (feed, stories), and Audience Network.
  4. Mobile Devices: Android and iOS

Keep in mind some placements are blocked depending on the type of ad you selected at the campaign level.

What Is The Ad Level?

The Ad level allow you to define all creative, call to actions and links to URL’s for your ads.

Facebook defines an ad as:

Your ad is what your customers or audience will see. At the ad level, you’ll choose your ads creative, which may include things like images, videos, text and a call-to-action button.

There are many variations of the ad as you might expect. Depending on the type of ad objective, so will your options vary at the ad level.

Here is a video of how the ad set level looks like for auction:

Here is a video of how the ad set level looks like for reach and frequency:

What are the things I can modify at the Ad Level?


1, Pages: Select your Fan Page and instagram account

2, Existing versus new post: Do you want to select an existing post in your fan page or create a new one if you are running certain types of ads.

3, Image, multiple images or video: Again, depending on the type of campaign you selected, you can use a single image, carousel of images, videos, canvas or lead forms.

4, Headline, text and subtitle

5, Destination: Website URL or Facebook Messenger (for traffic campaigns)

6, Call To Action: Apply now, book now, contact us, download, learn more, send message, request time, see menu, shop now, sign up and what more (they will also vary depending on the type of campaigns you selected)

7, Offline Tracking

8, Pixel Tracking

Reach and Frequency

1, Pages: You have to select your fan page and Instagram account at the ad set level!

2, Existing versus new post: Do you want to select an existing post in your fan page or create a new one if you are running certain types of ads.

3, Image, multiple images, slide show or video: Again, depending on the type of campaign you selected, you can use a single image, carousel of images, videos, canvas or lead forms.

4, Headline, text and subtitle

5, Destination: Website URL or Facebook Messenger (for traffic campaigns)

6, Call To Action: Apply now, book now, contact us, download, learn more, send message, request time, see menu, shop now, sign up and what more (they will also vary depending on the type of campaigns you selected)

7, Offline Tracking

8, Pixel Tracking

Other readings to learn more about Facebook Campaign Structure

Here are some readings, webinars and research I highly recommend reading before the exam if you are still unclear on this topic:

#MarkekoMonday: Difference between reach and frequency + auction:

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Other articles:

  1. Ad Campaign Structure – Facebook
  2. Structuring your Facebook Campaigns – Facebook
  3. New Structure for Advertising campaign – Jon Loomer
  4. Facebook Campaign Structure PDF

How does this apply to the Facebook Certification exams?

A lot!

You will get a ton of questions regarding how your campaign structure affects your ads; how your troubleshoot your ads; and optimize your campaigns.. As a matter of fact, I would say this topic is probably the basis or fundamentals for your exam.

I will cover this in the next post!

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