First off I want to wish you all a Happy New Years…

and hope you enjoyed your Holidays!

It’s been a crazy year since I first started the blog and want to really just THANK YOU.

2017 – Highlights

If you are short on time, here is quick summary…

  1. Community of +3,000 members from +20 countries
  2. +2,500 people have downloaded our study guide
  3. Study Guide landing page has a conversion rate of +71% 馃檪
  4. Almost had to close the blog due to Facebook trademark infringement with another blog 馃檨
  5. First ever online product launched

2018 – What’s Next?

  1. #MarkekoMonday are coming
  2. New Study Guides for Planning and Buying Exams
  3. Additional questions for the Planning and Buying Exams to our 100 Practice Questions


The best part of this whole experience has really been able to help you guys and pass along all the experiences I’ve had with the exams:

It’s thrilling to see people pass their Facebook Blueprint Certification Exams

just amazing to see that the study guides, blog posts, and the community really has helped people better prepare, study and pass the Facebook Blueprint Certification exams:


Some highlights for 2017.

We had some ups and downs.

What have we accomplished in this 2017?

The good

We have a community of聽+3,000 members now on our Facebook Group of Facebook marketers trying to pass their next Blueprint exams:

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and +2,500 Facebook marketers have downloaded our FREE study guide since we first launched it about 6 months ago.

(I switched from Instapage to Leadpages so numbers don’t add up but a ton of people have used our study guide so far)

markeko 2018

66 people have signed up so far for our 100 Practice Questions for Facebook Blueprint Certification Exam since we launched it on December 11th.

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The bad

Almost had to close down the blog when I first launched it as I the first domain was infringing Facebook’s trademark.

At the time I did not think about it but it was a big change for the blog as I was getting really good traffic and after 3 months the website was ranking well.

There were 3-4 blog posts having #2 and #3 spots on Google organic searches.

We had really good organic traffic to the site with +4,000 monthly visitors and conversions was going through the roof with the landing pages.

So had to come up with a new name… and change the blog completely.

Took me a couple of weeks to figure out how to change blog without any repercussions and had to get some outside help as I wanted to make sure everything was done the right way.

Hence… #Markeko

August of 2017, a new website was launched under a new name and its own branding.

I am happy as it slowly is building up as its own little brand and I聽love it. We should see what the next couple of months hold on for Markeko聽馃檪

What’s new in 2018?


Probably the most exciting thing (I think) coming this new year.

I’ll be honest, I love Moz WhiteBoardFridays and think their videos are one of the best ways to learn digital marketing. Their content is amazing and it probably one of the easiest ways to learn about SEO and digital marketing.

So I’ve come up with #MarkekoMonday.

It’s pretty simple.

Every Monday, I will post a 7-10 minute long video teaching about a specific topic. I will try to make it short and to the point.

They will be posted on my Facebook Fan Page and Youtube channel for you to see and interact.

How can you get involved?

You get to pick the topic!

That is the coolest thing.

I will be asking each time for a topic and the most voted will be on next week’s #MarkekoMonday.

markeko 2018

100 Sample Questions for Facebook Exam – Expansion

I’ve had really good feedback on the sample questions since we first launched them earlier this past December.


People want sample questions for the Buying and Planning exams so more questions will be coming.

I will be expanding questions and topics in order to cover all exams and have a more comprehensive list of questions for you to better prepare.

Planning and Buying Exam Certification – Study Guides

Our free study guide has been downloaded +2,500 times already and seems like has really helped a lot of people prepare for the Core exam.

You are asking and its coming.

We are currently working on a Planning Study Guide that will be launched in the next couple of months. It won’t be anytime soon but we are trying to figure out how to best approach writing and structuring the guide in a way that makes sense.

I will be also posting blog posts every once in a while on updates, topics that are important for the exams, guides and any other information that might be helpful for you to better prepare for your next Facebook Blueprint Certification Exams.

Happy New Years


I just wanted to thank you and give you a brief update on what’s coming…

This success would not have been possible without all of your support.

Thanks again for all of your support, following our blog, sharing our content and answering questions in our Facebook Group 馃檪

I really appreciate it and hope you have a wonderful 2018!

Good luck in your next Facebook Blueprint Exam

