My intention for this blog is to help other people who are studying for the Facebook Blueprint Certification exams. 

I recently passed both the 310-101 Facebook Advertising Core Competencies and the 321-101 Facebook Certified Buying Professional and am currently preparing to take the Planner certification.

I don’t consider myself an expert in the field but have been teaching others how to use Facebook for a while and realize that others want tips and help in preparing for the Facebook Blueprint Certification exams.

A bit about myself

I was born and raised in Guatemala. Am really passionate about education and truly believe that tech+edu can have a positive impact in developing countries. 

I love teaching, blogging and helping others. I want to help you pass the Facebook Blueprint Certification exams. You can read more on the About Me page.

Please keep in mind that English is not my first language so there will probably be some typo’s, words and sometimes grammar mistakes. Be patient. I should get better the more I write on the blog.

Why I started this blog?

I started studying for the Facebook Blueprint Certification and realized people needed help preparing for it as well so I decided to launch this blog.

I will periodically publish blog posts on various topics for helping you study and prepare to take the Facebook Blueprint Certification exams.

I am a member of the Digital Markter group and wrote this post as I had just passed the first Blueprint Exam. I got really good feedback and a lot of comments of others who were looking into taking the Facebook Blueprint Certification Exams.

Facebook Blueprint Certification

I hope I can help those in the post and many more in the next coming months 🙂

What do I do for a living?

I currently started my own online education startup called We help build and prepare digital managers of the future for developing countries (Latam market). We’ve trained +500 managers and have focused in helping large customers here in Guatemala and plan to expand into Latam and Hispanic market in the next couple of months.

What can you expect from this blog?

I will be pretty straightforward. I will be posting free content for the first couple of months until I see there is a way to monetize the blog. I plan to publish posts and study guides for free at first until I can figure out how to sell courses or content that helps you better prepare for the exams. I will also use AdSense at first to cover costs.

I will try to structure the blog in a way that you can navigate through the content as you study through each exam. I am still working on the blog design, new logo, and branding but figure I would launch it first before spending more money on it.

All feedback is more than welcomed. I will try to channel everything through our Facebook Group so that others can participate, comment and help me moderate. Your opinion matters. Please dont hesitate to email me or write me on LinkedIn or Facebook.

Who is this blog for?

I will focus the blog and content for those studying for the Facebook Blueprint Certification exams. My whole purpose is to help and guide you through your studying for the exams. Most of the content will be focused on this specific topic.

Before I go, I want to invite you to be part of the community by joining our group.

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